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Saturday, March 8

9:00am EST

Sat. AM - Opioid Emergencies
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Do you groan whenever your department is called out for an overdose?  Are you frustrated with responding to the same houses and the same people time and time again?  From your role as a first responder, learn the tools and skills to make you safer and more aware in dealing with opioid emergencies.  It’s time to improve your perspective with this class and be a part of the solution in your community to a problem that is only getting worse!  (EMS CEUs will be offered)
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Room 2113 - 2nd Floor Central Wing

9:00am EST

Sat. AM - AWR-290 Railroad Safety Awareness Training SERTC
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
This course outlines the skills necessary to recognize the severity of incidents involving rolling stock used in rail surface transportation, contact the proper personnel with the railroads, and work seamlessly with the private sector employees and contractors that may be dispatched. These skills will be generated via education on railroad personnel, proper safety procedures for working on and around railroad property, an overview of the different types of rolling stock and the risks associated with them, the various markings and reference materials necessary to ascertain the contents of a rail car, and general overview of the different types of damage commonly incurred during a derailment. The comprehension of these subjects will allow the participant to rapidly analyze the severity of an incident and notify the appropriate people so that any specialized equipment can be dispatched as quickly as possible.

IMPORTANT-A FEMA Student Identification number (SID) is required to register and receive credit for this DHS/FEMA-funded course. If you do not already have a FEMA SID number, please first access https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid/ to obtain a number, and once you have received your SID, you can proceed with your registration.

Note: When accessing the registration link, you will see the following information:

Only one Account per Participant; each Account Holder & Participant MUST be the same person. If you are unsure if you have an established account, please call 719-584-0584.

If you are entering our system for the first time you must Register for an Account.
If you are a returning participant, please use the email and password you first established.
Substitution Policy — DHS/FEMA Participants may not substitute.


Complete your registration as necessary and if you have any questions with regards to the registration process, please contact SERTC Administration at 719-584-0584 or via email at sertc@aar.com.

Registration links will close at midnight March 2nd, 2025, to allow for preparation of all course materials.
avatar for SERTC


MxV Rail
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

9:00am EST

Sat. AM - CFSI Recertification Class 1
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST

CFSI Recertification will be split into 4 - 3 hrs. sessions. 

Class 1 - For the newer inspector or those who do not do many inspections: Class is for the newer inspector or those who do not do many inspections. Class will go over what to look for, what to check, what to review while on site, how to write violations, what the customers may be looking for from you the inspector. Also, the class will cover the basics of fire protection systems, what each system is and the inspection requirements of them.
Class 2 - Covering chapters 3, 5, and 6. This class will cover the Ohio Fire Code Chapters 3 (General Requirements), 5 (Fire Service Features), and 6 (Building Services and Systems). Class will breakdown each of these chapters and go over requirements with them. We will also discuss their applicability while conducting inspections.
Class 3 - Fire protection systems. This class will cover fire alarms, sprinkler systems, fire pumps, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, Kitchen hood Suppression systems. This class will go over the requirements for each of these systems and will go in further detail of NFPA72, 25, 10, and 17.
Class 4 - Citations, what they are, how to write them, and how to enforce them. Above ground storage tanks (what they are, who permits them, when are permits needed, and who can enforce the permit requirements). 
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Room 1207 - 1st Floor East Wing

9:00am EST

Sat. AM - EVOC Driving Simulation Lab
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Acquired through an Assistance to Firefighters Grant, the Mobile Driving Simulation Lab system is a training resource that is integrated into a driver skills and judgement training curriculum. It provides a bridge between classroom-delivered instruction and actual operation of a motor vehicle on a prepared course or public roadway. A driver can experience the consequences of making decisions based upon incomplete information. Drivers can practice making decisions in simulated life and death situations similar to those actually encountered on the road that would be too dangerous to perform in the real world. This course will include a lecture and then hands-on portion.
Saturday March 8, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Automotive - 1st Floor North Wing

1:00pm EST

Sat. PM - Airway A-Z
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
The students will be doing all airways, from NPA, OPA, King airways and ET tube.
 During this session the students will be using Pig and Cow lungs and airways. There will be conversation about the use of the adult BVM vs Peds BVM

Heidi Hess

Toledo Mercy Hospital
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Room 1415 - 1st Floor North Wing 9301 Buck Road, Perrysburg, OH, USA

1:00pm EST

Sat. PM - Fire / EMS Instructor Continuing Education (3 hours)
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
This course will provide the Fire/EMS Instructor the continuing education in adult methodology that is required by the State Board of EMS. Fire and Transportation Services This course is geared specifically towards identifying emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities in public safety education. The instructors present best-practices and facilitate student-led discussions to break down emerging issues and identify effective strategies and tactics to implement in the classroom to ensure a positive and effective learning environment for today’s learners. Due to the facilitated, student-led nature of this class, each class session will touch on different topics and will provide the learner with a unique perspective. Instructor CEUs Offered

Each class will cover a new topic. You are able to take all four or any combination classes if you would like.
(Other Classes are 8A, 51A, 51P) 
avatar for Brock Yingling

Brock Yingling

Apollo Career Center
avatar for Eric Snapp

Eric Snapp

Apollo Career Center
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Room 2105 - 2nd Floor Central Wing

1:00pm EST

Sat. PM - Opioid Emergencies
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Do you groan whenever your department is called out for an overdose?  Are you frustrated with responding to the same houses and the same people time and time again?  From your role as a first responder, learn the tools and skills to make you safer and more aware in dealing with opioid emergencies.  It’s time to improve your perspective with this class and be a part of the solution in your community to a problem that is only getting worse!  (EMS CEUs will be offered)
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Room 2113 - 2nd Floor Central Wing

1:00pm EST

Sat. PM - AWR-290 Railroad Safety Awareness Training SERTC
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
This course outlines the skills necessary to recognize the severity of incidents involving rolling stock used in rail surface transportation, contact the proper personnel with the railroads, and work seamlessly with the private sector employees and contractors that may be dispatched. These skills will be generated via education on railroad personnel, proper safety procedures for working on and around railroad property, an overview of the different types of rolling stock and the risks associated with them, the various markings and reference materials necessary to ascertain the contents of a rail car, and general overview of the different types of damage commonly incurred during a derailment. The comprehension of these subjects will allow the participant to rapidly analyze the severity of an incident and notify the appropriate people so that any specialized equipment can be dispatched as quickly as possible.

IMPORTANT-A FEMA Student Identification number (SID) is required to register and receive credit for this DHS/FEMA-funded course. If you do not already have a FEMA SID number, please first access https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid/ to obtain a number, and once you have received your SID, you can proceed with your registration.

Note: When accessing the registration link, you will see the following information:

Only one Account per Participant; each Account Holder & Participant MUST be the same person. If you are unsure if you have an established account, please call 719-584-0584.

If you are entering our system for the first time you must Register for an Account.
If you are a returning participant, please use the email and password you first established.
Substitution Policy — DHS/FEMA Participants may not substitute.


Complete your registration as necessary and if you have any questions with regards to the registration process, please contact SERTC Administration at 719-584-0584 or via email at sertc@aar.com.

Registration links will close at midnight March 2nd, 2025, to allow for preparation of all course materials.
avatar for SERTC


MxV Rail
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST

1:00pm EST

Sat. PM - CFSI Recertification Class 2
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
CFSI Recertification will be split into 4 - 3 hrs. sessions. 

Class 1- For the newer inspector or those who do not do many inspections: Class is for the newer inspector or those who do not do many inspections. Class will go over what to look for, what to check, what to review while on site, how to write violations, what the customers may be looking for from you the inspector. Also, the class will cover the basics of fire protection systems, what each system is and the inspection requirements of them.
Class 2 - Covering chapters 3, 5, and 6. This class will cover the Ohio Fire Code Chapters 3 (General Requirements), 5 (Fire Service Features), and 6 (Building Services and Systems). Class will breakdown each of these chapters and go over requirements with them. We will also discuss their applicability while conducting inspections.
Class 3 - Fire protection systems. This class will cover fire alarms, sprinkler systems, fire pumps, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, Kitchen hood Suppression systems. This class will go over the requirements for each of these systems and will go in further detail of NFPA72, 25, 10, and 17.
Class 4 - Citations, what they are, how to write them, and how to enforce them. Above ground storage tanks (what they are, who permits them, when are permits needed, and who can enforce the permit requirements).
Speakers Fire School Advisory Board

Thomas Rampe

Retired FF / Fire Safety Inspector, NOVFA
Semi retired firefighter and active fire safety inspector with Kalida Fire Department.Member of NOVFA Fire School Committee.Member of Ohio Fire Chiefs Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee.
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Room 1207 - 1st Floor East Wing

1:00pm EST

Sat. PM - EVOC Driving Simulation Lab
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Acquired through an Assistance to Firefighters Grant, the Mobile Driving Simulation Lab system is a training resource that is integrated into a driver skills and judgement training curriculum. It provides a bridge between classroom-delivered instruction and actual operation of a motor vehicle on a prepared course or public roadway. A driver can experience the consequences of making decisions based upon incomplete information. Drivers can practice making decisions in simulated life and death situations similar to those actually encountered on the road that would be too dangerous to perform in the real world. This course will include a lecture and then hands-on portion
Saturday March 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Automotive - 1st Floor North Wing
NOVFA Fire School 2025
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